
Find Hotels, Restaurants, Gift Shops and More in USA

Welcome to You can easily find hotels, restaurants, gift shops, shopping malls, theaters, car rentals, travel agencies and various other businesses from over 20,000 USA cities using this website. There's around 402,000 USA businesses listed in this website, which is growing day by day.

Find detailed address, phone number, website, map, driving directions and user reviews and ratings on a business. You can also list your business on this website, or write reviews on businesses listed here. To start with searching for businesses, simply type in the business name or city, state or zip code on the search box above.

Business Categories

Businesses listed in this website are grouped into the following categories. Click on a category from the list bellow if you are looking for a specific type of business.

Car Rentals

There are 13,762 car rentals found in United States. Top states are California, Texas, New York, Georgia, North Carolina.


There are 51,405 hotels found in United States. Top states are California, Texas, Georgia, New York, Alabama.

Movie Theaters

There are 5,455 movie theaters found in United States. Top states are California, New York, Texas, Florida, Michigan.


There are 176,095 restaurants found in United States. Top states are California, New York, Texas, Tennessee, Georgia.


There are 133,078 shops found in United States. Top states are Texas, California, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin.

Travel Agencies

There are 22,062 travel agencies found in United States. Top states are California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Michigan.

New Business Listings

New businesses are constantly being Listed in this website for you to find. Following is a list of 10 businesses recently being added.

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Recently Updated Businesses

New businesses constantly being updated in the website to provide you more accurate results. Following is a list of 10 businesses recently being updated.

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Recent Blog Posts

Following is a list of recent blog posts. You may find them useful as they have lots of interesting information, insights, tips and guidelines to choose the right hotels, restaurants or other businesses that you have been looking around.

Embark on a seamless rental car journey across the USA with these essential tips. From planning and choosing the right rental company to understanding agreements and driving safely, this guide ensures a smooth ride from start to finish. Unlock the road to unforgettable adventures and discover the beauty of the United States at your own pace. [Read More]
Are you planning for a trip? Decide where you are going to stay before you begin the trip. This article describes the top 7 things you should consider whenever you are choosing a hotel. [Read More]
Travel agencies are veritable sources of information; they will make your trip safe and sound, as well as save you money, unforeseen problems, and time. Try to choose a credible travel agency online. [Read More]
Dallas is a very beautiful city for tourists. There are so many things that can captivate the attention of tourists namely, the Nasher Sculpture Centre, the Crow Collection of Asian Art, the Dallas Museum of Art, numerous parks and so many outdoor activities like golf, tennis, swimming and cycling. [Read More]
According to the report of Caitlin Dineen in Orlando Sentinel on May 26, 2015, the hotel industry in Orlando City is thriving this year. Hotels in the Orlando area had an occupancy of 81.4% during April 2015. In contrast, a year-end average occupancy during 2014 was only 73.7%. [Read More]

Recent Reviews

Following are the latest 5 reviews submitted by visitors on various businesses .

  • It is one of the best places to stay in downtown Dallas. The artistic theme makes it unique. The outside view at night is fabulous.

  • Woodlands

    on 2/26/2025

    One of the best places for South Indian cuisine in Orlando.

  • Wendy's

    on 8/18/2021

    Hamburger isn’t hot Manager cusses at and verbally abuses the young workers.

  • Subway

    on 8/15/2020

    My wife and myself was totally disgusted about the overall food at this subway. We ordered the same items we had at the last subway.. WHAT A BIG MISTAKE!!! The salad was a quarter of the size and was very bland. My wife's sandwich tasted as it was very old bread and meats. The establishment was dirty. We should have turned around and left the place. This is my very first resturant review and I am 66 years old. You lost us as customers.

  • Blue Water Courts Motel

    on 12/18/2019

    Great place to stay. Reasonable rates, clean and comfortable. Close to the job. Nice people run it.