

Category: Shops - Florists
16550 Soledad Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, California - 91387

(661) 252-3838

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Vons is located at 16550 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, California. This is one of the 2 Vons found in Santa Clarita. Click here to view a list of all Vons in Santa Clarita, California.

Business Hours

Please call (661) 252-3838 to find out the business hours of Vons.

Accepted Payments

Most gift shops in Santa Clarita accepts both Cash and major Credit Cards. Please call (661) 252-3838 to find out available payment options accepted by Vons.

Nearby Shopping

Following is a list of other shops found within few miles of Vons. You may also view all shops in Santa Clarita, California.

  • 2.75 Miles
    18316 Soledad Canyon Road #A, Santa Clarita, California - 91387
    (661) 299-9999
  • 4.7 Miles
    19419 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, California - 91351
    (661) 252-9144
  • 4.46 Miles
    26880 Sierra Highway, Santa Clarita, California - 91321
    (661) 250-4041
  • 4.08 Miles
    19114 Newhouse Street, Canyon Country, California - 91351
    (661) 284-0829

User Reviews

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